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Individual & Couples Counseling

Getting Started - Client Interview

The best way to find out if Coaching is for you and to see if we are a good fit is to sign up for a complimentary 15-20 minute client interview. It’s an opportunity to see if we connect and if so we’ll set up an ongoing coaching structure. This takes about five minutes, and you’ll leave the call with action to take (homework). As poet Mary Oliver writes,

Listen, are you breathing just a little,
and calling it a life?...
For how long will you continue to listen to
those dark shouters,
caution and prudence?
Fall in! Fall in!

The minimum time commitment I require is 3 sessions. Commitment is the most significant factor in achieving your goals. Through the act of making commitments and then honoring those commitments, we not only achieve goals, but we also build trust in ourselves and others. As your coach, I make a serious commitment to you and your goals.

Payment must be made in advance. PayPal is the preferred method of payment although I also accept Cash, Money Orders, and a Personal Check (with a minimum 10 day waiting period to allow the check to clear).

Initial interview
Please contact Kimberly to introduce yourself and schedule a time to meet by phone to explore the possibility of working together. There is no fee for this fifteen-twenty minute session.

Three Weeks Individual Coaching
Minimum time commitment for new clients.
Three one-hour sessions: $445.00

Twelve Week Program
Twelve one-hour weekly sessions.
Most cost-effective: $1,670.00

Beyond Coaching Session
Clients who have completed coaching and wish to come back on a per session basis can schedule an hour long session as needed. These sessions are a great way to explore and create new possibilities, re-align your values, vision & purpose with your life, breakthrough challenges, gain clarity, and have the ongoing support of your coach at any time.
One hour session: $158.00


Coaching should be considered an investment in your future. When you are considering the cost of having a personal coach, first consider the value of having the life that you have always dreamed of.

Warmest Regards,

Kimberly Coville, LCSW,
Certified Empowerment Practitioner

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Kimberly Coville • Transformational Life Coach • 884 Broadway • South Portland, ME 04106 • 207-239-7314
©2017 Kimberly Coville

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